See Inside; Newcastle Castle

The Castle of Newcastle. Not so new anymore, but don’t let that put you off. With the first fortification of the site dating back more than 1800 years, it is quite literally steeped in history. Despite everything that has changed around it - Newcastle’s Castle still boasts arguably the best views on Tyneside. Worth the entrance fee alone? Quite possibly.

After paying for your ticket in The Black Gate, where you can also find out more about the area’s former bustling community, you can then venture over (under the railway tracks) to the Castle itself. The Castle perhaps provides the greatest insight into historical life on the banks of the Tyne and indeed Newcastle itself. 

Work your way up inside the Castle walls via various rooms and chambers, including the Castle’s Great Hall, once host to many a great banquet and still used by the Castle for events and gatherings today. Each room has storyboards and props to give you an idea of what it was used for, and when. We’ll not spoil you with any more history here (there’s a lot!), but it’s definitely an education. Plus, if it’s grim tales you’re after, there’s a few here.

Once you’ve immersed yourself in the tales of centuries gone by and clambered up the stoney spiralling staircase, you’ll be met with spectacular views of modern day Newcastle. A 360 degree view of Tyneside means you can spot all the major landmarks with ease. The Tyne Bride, Sage Gateshead, Baltic, Swing Bridge, Greys Monument, St James’ Park, Central Station, Civic Centre. Probably a Greggs if you look close enough. You get the idea. If you don’t believe us, go and see for yourself. Try and choose a sunny day though, yeah? Fog on the Tyne n’all that.

The Castle is open 7 days a week from 10am - 5pm (last entry 4.15pm). You can find more information over on their page.

All images ©

city, photographyAndrew Heads